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The Fan.Tastic Females want to go on tour – so, get the exhibition and show it in your city, in your country, at your club!

b_300_300_14408667_00_images_Photo-by-Nubia-Navarro-nubikini-from-Pexels.jpegGenerally speaking, the whole process works as follows:

The coordination of the transportation and the exhibition route will be worked out together with members of the project group of the Fan.Tastic Females.

To keep the costs related to transportation as low as possible, we would like to put together a geographically time- and cost-efficient route for all exhibitors in consultation with them and based on the details of their respective requests.  

As soon as your exhibition dates are set, you will receive more materials, tips and templates to support your arrangements and the design of the framework programme.

You want to show the exhibition? Get in touch!