Fan.Tastic Females Flyer - Logo on concrete background with Text "On Tour in Vienna"

The exhbition in Vienna is hosted by the F_in  Women in Football Network Austria and supported by a wide range of partners / funders: MA57 Wien, ega: frauen im Zentrum, Ballesterer, Football Fans Against Homophobia Austria, F_in (Frauen im Fußball), First Vienna Football Club Supporters 1894, Friedhofstribüne, Austrian Football Association, NurtenYilmaz, fairplay Initiative, ÖH University of Vienna, Student Representation History, Bagru Soziologie


ega: Frauen im Zentrum
Windmühlgasse 26
1060 Vienna


08/11/2019                           16.00hrs - 20:00hrs
11/11/2019 - 15/11/2019      16.00hrs - 20:00hrs
09/11/2019                           13.00hrs - 17.00hrs
16/11/2019                           15.00hrs - 19.00hrs

closed on 10/11/2019



18.30 hrs


That night we'll open the exhibition. We have invited Naz Gündogdu, one of the film makers of the Fan.Tastic Females. Naz will present the new trailer movie „One Year of the Fan.tastics Females“. After the opening remarks of National Council Member Nurten Yilmaz, herself being a passionate Rapid supporter, and introductory remarks of the organisers of the Fan.Tastic Females Austria Tour, we will slowly finish the evening over a buffet and drinks whilst visitors will get the opportunity to view the exhibition.

Moderation: Nikola Staritz (fairplay Initiative)


19.00 hrs

Film Screening and Discussion „Hana, dul, sed“ - Kicking under Kim Jong-il?

Produced over a period of seven years, the documentary „Hana, dul, sed“ accompanies four players of the North Korean Football National Team. The film talks about their successes, their defeats and their life off the ground. Apart from the sporting highs and lows, the film offers impressive insights into the (female) realities in North Korea nowadays not much of which usually leaves the country.

„What distinguishes Hana, dul, sed […] incredibly is its authentic interest and its unshakable integrity towards its protagonists." – DerStandard

„[...] a differentiated insight into the black box North Korea.“ – Die Zeit

There will be a subsequent discussion with film makers Brigitte Weich and Karin Macher.


10.00 hrs


Austrian Network Meeting of F_in Women in Football

In the course of the exhibition, the F_in Meeting will take place from 10.00hrs - 18.00hrs. Women passionate about football from all over Austria meet for the third time already to get to know each other, to network and to develop new ideas together. 

We will start into the morning with a cosy brunch and an introduction. In the afternoon, there will be a stencil workshop. We are looking forward to meet old and new faces and ask for your registration for the meeting via e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fan.Tastic Females - Party Night at Flag including a concert and DJs

Venue: Alszeile 19, 1170 Vienna


19.00 hrs

Talk Night with "Kicking without Borders" (Kicken Ohne Grenzen) and a buffet dinner

Education through football? New perspectives through football? Soft skills, team work or just fun? Or everthing at once?

These and other questions that you always might have had about the education project „Kicken ohne Grenzen“ and their protagonists will be answered tonight in a cosy living room atmosphere. Players, coaching staff and supporters will tell about their football passion, their engagement for „Kicken ohne Grenzen“ and their future plans.

„Kicken ohne Grenzen“ was founded in 2015 to provide a place to meet and to network for people with displacement experiences and refugee status. Regular football training sessions and matches should make the inclusion into Austrian society easier. Against this background, the project has received several awards, such as the Women Integration Award 2017. Over the years, „Kicken ohne Grenzen“ has constantly developed and has now become an open education project. Via kicking the ball together, disadvantaged kids get the chance to explore and expand their individual skills and potential. This helps them to transfer their skills also to other areas of life. The past government caused quite a few challenges for „Kicken ohne Grenzen“ as the project faced massive cuts in federal funding. 

The revenues of the bar this evening will be donated to „Kicken ohne Grenzen“.


19.30 hrs

„Being Ultra as a woman - being a woman as an Ultra"
Lecture and subsequent discussion with Judith von der Heyde

As female ultra, you have to face the male-focused characteristics of football. This leads to consequences for the own construction of female identity. "The prototype of ultra is male" is what one of the female ultras said to Judith von der Heyde. In the course of her field stuy over the next one year and a half, she should find out what this meant for her as a woman. How exactly the examination with football and masculinity and corresponding expectations towards her went and the consequences for her own image of femininity will be explored in this lecture. Using several examples from an ethnographic research project, von der Heyde wants to describe female ultras and discuss what the presence of female ultras means, not just for ultras themselves, but also for the culture of ultra. 

That night, there will also be a book table from the „Book Store at Stuwerviertel“ with specific football literature.

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