Football Supporters Europe (FSE) celebrated International Women’s Day 2024 by announcing the first selection of locations and dates for the Fan.Tastic Finals Exhibition during UEFA EURO 2024 in Germany.  

The Fan.Tastic Finals Exhibition is the sequel to the original Fan.Tastic Females exhibition, with new stories being captured to feature alongside the original wave of interviews. The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 fosters a sense of belong, relevance, and empowerment of women, and these three principles are fittingly at the heart of the Fan.Tastic Finals concept. 

The Fan.Tastic Females – Football Her.Story project told the stories of fan.tastic women through a physical exhibition and digital video portraits about their love and passion for the game, their journey into the stands, their greatest, most impressive, funniest stories of fandom, but also the more challenging experiences of being a woman and a football supporter.  

Following the success of Fan.Tastic Females, the next natural step is to take the discussion into the context of national team fandom, with a perfect opportunity to continue the exhibition into this summer’s UEFA EURO 2024 before bringing the tour to a close. Thanks to the funding from Stiftung Fußball & Kultur EURO 2024, we are creating at least 15 new video portraits about female fans of national teams (find out how to take part here). These will delve into regional distinctions and provide a broad representation of fan culture. It will be curated to recognise the diverse nature of fan culture, so we aim for intersectional representation and invite individuals from all backgrounds and identities to share their stories. 

The new stories, alongside the original Fan.Tastic Females stories, will then tour the host cities of UEFA EURO 2024 accompanied by an engaging programme of panel discussions and events to foster transcultural exchange among fans from participating football countries.  


  • Cologne: 21-23.06.2024 – Fans’ Embassy, Cologne Old Town 
  • Düsseldorf: 23-25.06.2024 – Haus der Jugend 
  • Dortmund: 27-30.06.2024 – Berswordthalle  
  • Leipzig: 01-04.07.2024 – Volkshochschule Leipzig 
  • Hamburg: 06-08.07.2024 – Teehaus Große Wallanlagen – Planten un Blomen  
  • Berlin: 09-14.07.2024 – Pride House Berlin  
  • Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen: to be announced… 

The exact opening hours and other locations are to be confirmed. The exhibition is free of entry. Content is available in German and English on mobile displays and banners. The videos can be scanned and viewed with subtitles on smartphones using QR codes.  

Following the conclusion of the physical exhibition after EURO 2024, the video portraits will be presented online at